Are you envious of other people’s financial, social or family wealth? You analyse their situation and you reach the conclusion that these people are luckier than you, they are very intelligent, and they probably have exceptional qualities that you, on the other hand, do not have. You might be right. However, your analysis should not stop at that level. There is one element that is even more important to consider when you are thinking about success and it is the fact that these people have a better way, than most people do, to be appreciated by other people.
We all agree that their success is mostly due to who they are followed by what they do, and by the energy they display. Still, it is because of other people if they are successful because these people help them. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to reach success on our own. For example, if your business is doing well, it is because your clients trust you, your staff is behind you, and your partners are reliable.
We live in a world where other people occupy a prevailing place in our success story and where everything is linked to our capacity to be helped and appreciated by others. Ask yourself the following question: Are the people surrounding you eager to see you succeed or are they totally indifferent to your success? If you answer that a lot of people want you to succeed, then your chances to succeed are very strong. This level of appreciation is what I call your « Likeability Quotient » (L.Q.). Everyone has one but at different level. The good new is that if you want to, you can improve yours.
Here is a definition of the Likeability Quotient (L.Q.): « Level of happiness and well being that you arise in others ». Many studies state that people with a Likeability Quotient (L.Q.) higher than average have better chances to succeed at work, at home, or in any other activity. These studies also reveal that the contrary is also true. People who are unpleasant have a lot of difficulties to succeed.